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Wellness Digestive Enzymes

Irvine, California, United States
Wellness Digestive Enzymes
Highlights: Digestive Enzymes
Listing note: Advanced Multi Enzyme System
Keywords: Goodby Hard-to-Digest Foods

1000MG Plus Prebiotics & Probiotics Supplement, 180 Capsules, Organic Plant-Based Vegan Formula for Digestion & Lactose with Amylase & Bromelain,3-6 Months Supply.

Goodbye Hard-to-Digest Foods – This formula features our Advanced Multi Enzyme System to help you digest fried, spicy, raw, processed food, dairy, protein, salts, carb / carbohydrate, vitamin and acidic diet fruits and veggies. Immune-Boosting Probiotic – The gut, biofilm & gallbladder is home to 50% of the body’s immune repair response and this supplement contains a powerful 10 billion CFU dose of 10 different probiotic strains clinically shown to enhance preventions & immune system response.

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